自拍 偷拍 北京邮电大学西席个东谈主主页系统 王晓康
发布日期:2024-09-28 14:53 点击次数:116王晓康,北京邮电大学经济惩处学院自拍 偷拍,讲师。
2009年-2013年:加拿大多伦多大学,工程学院,工程科学(Engineering Science)专科,工程数学、统计与金融标的,获工学学士学位。
2014年-2015年:Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, External Portfolio Management, Fund of Hedge Fund 扣问分析师
2023年:北京航空航天大学校级优秀博士论文自拍 偷拍
在 IEEE TNNLS, Pattern Recognition, Information Sciences, 系统工程表面与膨胀等知名学术期刊共发表论文多篇。主要扣问标的包括:时间序列分析、实证财富订价、因果估量等。主握省部级和企业和解横向课题多项。代表性学术效果包括:
[1] 王晓康, 李帅戈, 王熠晖, 万岩*.面向异构非欧数据的因果联系发现顺序. 系统工程表面与膨胀, 2024, 44(6): 1987-2002.
[2] Wei, C., Wang, Z., Yuan, J., Wang, X., Liu, H., & Zhao, Q. SemiHAR: Improving Semisupervised Human Activity Recognition via Multitask Learning[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023, 1-14. [SCI An1, IF 10.4]
[3] Wenyang Huang, Jianyu Zhao, Xiaokang Wang*. Model-driven multimodal LSTM-CNN for unbiased structural forecasting of European Union allowances open-high-low-close price[J]. Energy Economics, 2024, 132: 107459. [SCI An2, IF 13.6]
[4] Wang, Xiaokang*, Lu, Shan, Zhou, Rui and Wang, Huiwen. Skeleton estimation of directed acyclic graphs using partial least squares from correlated data[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2023, 139: 109460. [SCI An1, IF 8.518]
[5] Wang, Xiaokang, Li, Chengjian, Shi, Hao, Wu, Congshan, & Liu, Chao*. Detection of outlying patterns from sparse and irregularly sampled electronic health records data[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023, 126:106788. [SCI An1, IF 7.802]
[6] Liu, Chao, Gao, Xiao and Wang, Xiaokang*. Data adaptive functional outlier detection: Analysis of the Paris bike sharing system data[J]. Information Sciences, 2022, 602:13-42. [SCI An1, IF 8.233]
[7] Wang, Xiaokang, Wang, Huiwen, Wang, Zhichao, Lu, Shan* and Fan, Ying. Risk spillover network structure learning for correlated financial assets: A Directed acyclic graph approach[J]. Information Sciences, 2021, 580: 152-173. [SCI An1, IF 8.233]
[8] Wang, Xiaokang, Wang, Huiwen, Wang, Shanshan* and Yuan, Jidong. Convex clustering method for compositional data via sparse group Lasso[J]. Neurocomputing, 2021, 425: 23-36. [SCI An2, IF 5.779]